ERIKS Gasket Technology
Visiting address
- Vouersweg 108
- 6161 AG Geleen
Opening hours
Maandag t/m vrijdag 8:00 - 16:30 uur
Het adres voor quick supply maatwerk gaskets in Limburg.
Driving Directions > |
- Gaskets
- Ring Type Joints (RTJ)
- Industrial gaskets
- Manhole gaskets
- Cam profile gaskets
- Semi metallic gaskets
- Insulations kits
- Elastomet
- Metallic gaskets
- Rubber sheet products
- Flange gaskets
- Fiber gaskets
- Graphite gaskets
- Elastomer
- High temperature sheet, Pressure sheets
- UHMW sheet products
- Flexible Graphite sheet products
- Fluoropolymer sheet
- Spiral-wound gaskets
- Processing & manufacturing
- 24/7 support & service
- Metal Gasket Manufacturing
- Gasket Fabrication
- In-house serial production
- High speed press cutting
- Logistics
- Delivery on location (Kanban)
- Onsite warehousing
- Turnaround and shutdown services
- Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
- 24/7 support & service
- Just-in-time delivery
- Onsite solutions
- Kitting, article sets
- Technical services
- Maintenance services
- Field Service Teams
- Cleanroom
- Repair - replace - upgrade
General contact ERIKS Global Head Office
Chamber of Commerce
37 01 32 89
VAT Number